
Harpazo, Exodus To The Abode Of God
Sunday, November 1, 2020 by James Loomis

“And from the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence and the violent take it by force.”  Matt 11:12  KJV
            This scripture has caused much confusion and divisiveness due to improper teaching. The original text, written in Greek, is full of word pictures that provide an understanding of this scripture heretofore missed by many readers. Please read the same passage again, but now expanded to include annotations from Strongs’ Concordance:
“And from the epoch, the age, the time of John the Baptist, the forerunner of Christ, Elijah, until just now-this very hour of this time and place, the foundation of power, the realm of the mountain of God, the abode of God has had violence inflicted upon it as if carried by a storm, but now at this very hour those who strive to obtain the mountain of God and its privileges with the most eagerness and effort and seek for a share in the Kingdom of Heaven with the most ardent zeal and the most intense exertion will seize and carry away speedily by use of divine power transfer marvelously and swiftly from one place to another Harpazo, to the realm of the abode of God, the foundation of power.”
            Jesus is telling His followers that a new Exodus has begun. That satan’s use of force against the abode of God is over. That an avenue is open to those who, with zeal and devotion, may come up to the mountain of God and abide with Him.
This is only accomplished through change. We cannot be the same. We must be changed. Love. Passion. Fervently devoted to God with no secret agendas, motives or goals.
When offended we do not offend in return. We instruct in love and exemplify Christ. Our love and devotion to God is seen through our compassion and self-sacrifice.
To be a part of the Harpazo, the new Exodus to the abode of God, our existence is altered such that we are not ourselves, but mirror Christ. Harpazo is the Greek term translated meaning to seize and carry away speedily by use of divine power, to transfer marvelously and swiftly from one place to another.
Using this divine power, we transfer between the flesh realm to the realm of the Spirit swiftly, to receive instruction, inspiration and direction from the abode of God. This is the modality Jesus instructs us to use in this epoch compared to the time prior to His earthly existence.
To Harpazo the mountain of God, seize it, appropriate it and receive the foundation of power God has specifically for you. This is done through intense devotion and zeal to being in the presence of God.
For the “violent who take it by force” we must follow Jesus’ instructions as explained through the Greek translation of His words. Only through Divine power may we move to the mountain of God. This Divine power is available as we utilize ardent zeal and intense exertion in the Spirit. Passivity attains nothing. We must activate our lives to the modality of Christ. 

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Harpazo, Exodus To The Abode Of God
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